Monday, June 16, 2014

Why We Must End This NOW

A Constitutional Amendment to reform Campaign Finance is the ideal way to change the dysfunction of Congress. The problem with this is the time it would take, and all the special interest money that would pour in to oppose it.

How can special interests influence be trumped then?

Who has more money than the majority of citizens?
Where do special interests get their money in the first place? From you, me, and every American consumer and taxpayer. They get a piece of every dollar you spend, then take  some of it and spend it against us. Where is the majority's super pac? Where are the dollars that lobby on behalf of the citizen's?
Yes, money is an integral part of a political system dependent upon elections, but why is only a wealthy minority represented by that money?
Because we all rather bitch and moan rather than do something about it.
We already fund the special interests domination of Congress, so why aren't we funding our own effort to dominate Congress? It would be a lot cheaper then paying for all the deregulation, tax loopholes, and every other advantage Congress gives the wealthy, at the expense of the majority. If the majority can afford to bear that burden, why can't it spend a few extra bucks each on itself? This is simply insanity.
There is a movement started on May 1 where ordinary citizens are uniting to do just this; create a super pac to buy back Congress the way special interests have.  If everyone got involved, it wouldn't take but $25-$50 each per year to create a super pac larger than all the special interest one's combined.
Who would the politicians pander to then? 

There are 150 million registered voters. If 80% want money out of politics, that's 120 million people. At $25 a head, that's over $3 BILLION a year to buy a majority in both Houses of Congress. It would work, because obviously the special interests and their lobbyists have already proven over and over it works.
So, do you want to continue complaining, or do you want Congress to do your will?

If you are a doer, not just a talker, join us at http://MayOne.US. If you can't afford to pledge, at least support us by signing the petition at 

For those of you ready to jump on this post and criticize it, please, at least take the time to investigate what you are criticizing..

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